Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday October 3. 2012

B~ Raisin Bran, fresh pears, milk
L~ baked chicken breast, soy beans, butternut squash, organic mac and cheese, milk
S~ Valentia oranges, crackers, filtered water

I took out a great music cd from the library: Putumayo Kids  "New Orleans Playground"
The music is so lively that it just makes you want to dance and the kids literally come pouring in to the room to do just that! So we have lots of dancing photos today :-)  We also had the marble shoot and marble run out today. The kids were quite interested when I made the alphabet out of playdough. I also made some props for telling the 3 Little Pigs and so that story was acted out using blocks for the houses.

Lelia and Phaedra looking at books this morning

Breakfast. I put the boosters and highchairs away. Along with Charli, Ivy has decided she prefers sitting right at the table :-)  They were actually getting upset if I would not let them!

Brendan with the marble shoot game

Part of the fun is looking for the marble afterwards :-)

Lelia and Addison with puppets

Ivy's in there too!

Charli putting the pig puppet into the school bus

Charli, Ivy and Addison

Brendan and Lelia

Brendan just has his hand near his mouth- he wasn't eating the playdough

Addison and Ivy with the ball run

Ivy, Charli and Addison in the new dress-up


Dancing to the music of New Orleans!

The color/shape sorter was taken out, along with the marble run

Brendan told me this was cool :-)

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